RY 172.7 -0.1792% SHOP 152.38 -3.7762% TD 74.49 -0.4144% ENB 58.66 0.2906% BN 80.21 0.2124% TRI 235.76 -0.7034% CNQ 42.27 -1.3305% CP 102.81 -2.4851% CNR 145.02 -0.9426% BMO 139.15 0.5855% BNS 77.045 -0.149% CSU 4497.2998 0.6756% CM 92.23 -0.335% MFC 43.28 0.8858% ATD 79.0 -1.1882% NGT 53.35 -1.8038% TRP 65.26 0.215% SU 49.61 -1.411% WCN 251.65 -0.2181% L 191.14 0.1205%

Spot Price

Updated on August 29, 2023

Spot Price is the current market price at which an asset, currency or commodity is sold or purchased on the exchanges. The price of a futures contract is generally referenced to spot price, as any stock is purchased or sold at the quoted price and then it is exchanged for cash.