RY 151.2 -0.6636% TD 80.12 0.9577% SHOP 83.0 1.3802% CNR 158.42 -0.9751% ENB 50.51 0.0198% CP 113.01 0.9108% BMO 119.55 0.3357% TRI 227.18 0.6334% CNQ 47.185 -0.851% BN 64.45 1.7524% ATD 82.17 -0.8208% CSU 4335.0 0.7153% BNS 62.975 -0.3402% CM 69.78 0.7508% SU 53.02 0.9136% TRP 57.81 1.1018% NGT 63.51 -3.5535% WCN 241.16 -2.9029% MFC 35.73 0.7614% BCE 45.805 0.0546%

Gain or loss has been estimated using average buy values.

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  • Research performance for closed recommendations is provided as above for non-members to see. We are also providing you with an access to view the ‘BUY’ recommendation report, and the ‘SELL’ recommendation report. All closed recommendations along with the date of ‘BUY’ recommendation and subsequent ‘SELL’ recommendation have been shown as above. A closed recommendation is when a ‘BUY’ recommendation was provided on a particular stock at a particular date, and a subsequent ‘SELL’ recommendation was provided on that stock at a later date. 
  • Fundamental analysis (FA) estimates a stock’s intrinsic value by taking into consideration micro and macro-economic and financial factors, operational aspects, management outlook, guidance and risks associated. The objective is to estimate the target price, and provide recommendation on a stock based on the current price to determine whether a security is undervalued or overvalued.
  • All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual stocks before making a purchase decision. In addition, investors are advised that past stock performance is no guarantee of future price appreciation.
  • Where a stock has been recommended multiple times the average price is taken into consideration. We might need to provide update on a stock several times during a year or for  the length of coverage and for that reason the average BUY price is taken into consideration.
  • Performance figures quoted do not take into account transaction fees and charges. The profits or losses are hypothetical and include dividends or distribution for the length of the coverage until the recommendation is designated as closed.
  • We encourage you to think of investing as a long-term pursuit. Our portfolio is hypothetical and our performance figures are based on recommendations from Kalkine Reports using stock prices as at the date of publication.                                     


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