RY 151.2 -0.6636% TD 80.12 0.9577% SHOP 83.0 1.3802% CNR 158.42 -0.9751% ENB 50.51 0.0198% CP 113.01 0.9108% BMO 119.55 0.3357% TRI 227.18 0.6334% CNQ 47.185 -0.851% BN 64.45 1.7524% ATD 82.17 -0.8208% CSU 4335.0 0.7153% BNS 62.975 -0.3402% CM 69.78 0.7508% SU 53.02 0.9136% TRP 57.81 1.1018% NGT 63.51 -3.5535% WCN 241.16 -2.9029% MFC 35.73 0.7614% BCE 45.805 0.0546%

Investor Report

Investor Report serves the needs of investors with a medium- to long-term time horizon. With a detailed strategic assessment of the industry dynamics together with long term sustainable advantage, Kalkine identifies an undervalued story of a Canadian Company with improved financial trend, healthy balance sheet, and consistent dividend policy.

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  • Generally, Market Capitalization of at least CAD 2 billion.
  • Typically, stocks with consistent growth in profitability and prudent liquidity metrics. Improving Debt to equity ratio in alignment with industry median is also been looked at.
  • Consistent EBITDA margin growth and favourable outlook or management guidance.
  • Typically, dividend yield of 2% or above is been considered.
  • Focus on shareholder returns and EPS growth rate trajectory.
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Key Reasons to consider

Fundamental & Financial Analysis

A holistic view of the Company's track record of financial growth, consistent dividend policy, strong balance sheet to mitigate short-term market volatilities, along with positive industry dynamics.


ocus on the growth initiatives, financial performance along with new business operations which can act as a growth catalyst. Forward-looking fundamental, new orders in the pipeline, new approvals to be signed, new product developments, technology advancements, organic and inorganic initiatives are also been looked at.


Yes, this report is not biased towards any particular sector because sector/industry dynamics keeps changing over time.

Yes, this report only focus on Canadian exchange listed stocks

This report is available every week to its subscribers


CAD$ 500/Year